Thursday, December 26, 2019

Top 10 Things Not to Say or Do If Youre Fired

Top 10 Things Not to Say or Do If Youre FiredTop 10 Things Not to Say or Do If Youre FiredGetting fired can be very traumatic even if youre expecting it and even though it may be difficult, try to remember leid to say or do certain things if you arefired. Read on for help to get through this rough time in your career. Being let go from a job can generate a number of negative emotions including shock, anger, sadness, worry, and fear about the future. Actions that you might take during the stress of being fired can be rash and have negative consequences if you arent very careful about what you say and do. Thats especially true if getting fired wasnt your fault. Even if you were let go because you werent the perfect employee, it totenstill hurts.You may not even be given areason as to why you were fired,and youmay not be given any notice. There might be achance of being able to save your jobandappeal your termination, but it may be better to simply move on. Even though its painful to ge t fired, there are some things that you shouldnt do, or you could make the situation worse.The following suggestions will help you to make the best of a schwimmbad situation by avoiding some common mistakes fired employees make. 10 Things Not to Say or Do If Youre Fired 1. Dont storm off the premises without taking the time to save any documents you need from your work computer.You should periodically save documents of personal or professional interest from your work computer because you never know when you might unexpectedly lose your job. Some employers will escort terminated staff from the work site at the point of firing, and you need to make sure you dont leave any important information behind. 2.Dont begin to discuss severance issues prior to taking some time to process your firing, if possible.Time really does heal, and youll be calmer if you can wait, so ask if you could meet in a day or two to have that conversation. Heres what you should ask your employer if youre fire d. In the meantime, research company policies and practices so that you are prepared to negotiate areasonable severance packageif youre going to be offered one. In some cases, the company may offer the severance package during the termination process. 3. Dont refuse to help with the transition if some time will elapse prior to your termination date.By facilitating a smooth transition, youll be remembered as a better employee and may benefit by receiving positive recommendations and referrals.Being nice, even when youre in a bad situation, will help you in the long run. 4. Some employers will give you the option of resigning instead of being terminated.There are advantages and disadvantages to aresignation in lieu of a being fired, but you should review thedifference between getting fired and laid offbefore you agree. Check with your local State Unemployment Office to explore theimpact on unemployment benefitsbefore finalizing a decision. 5. Dont be afraid toask for a recommendationa s part of your separation agreement, or at least clarify how your employer will field inquiries about your tenure. If you have supportive colleagues, ask if they might furnish a positive recommendation while you are still in close contact. 6. Dont impulsively disparage your supervisor or blame co-workers or subordinates for your performance problems.This is a hard one if you think they helped cost you your job, but futureemployers will conduct thorough background checksand seek input from former colleagues at all levels. Any enemies that youve made with your departing comments will be more likely to share damaging information. Parting impressions can be lasting and might influence staff to view you as a negative person. 7. Dont miss the opportunity to ask for the basis of your employers decision.If due process according to company policy has not been followed, you may be able to petition Human Resources to buy some additional time to improve any shortcomings you may have. Review thi s guide on your rights if your job is terminated. You might also have some protection through a personal contract, union agreement or anti-discrimination law. Consult a labor lawyer prior to finalizing your separation if you think you might have a case. 8. Dont finalize your separation without exploring other jobs with your current employerif you enjoy working there. Options might exist for other positions if your superiors see you as an employee with a positive attitude and strong work ethic. Your employer might consider you for other jobs that are a better fit for your skills if they learn youre open to other roles.Hereshow to apply for a job with your company, but do check to see if its a possibility before you start the process. 9.Dont broadcast your firing to networking contacts and friends immediately.Before you tell the world youve lost your job, take the time tothink through your message and how youd like to be perceived by colleagues and other professional contacts. Frame y our story around a theme such as the job not being the right fit for you. But dont be overly critical of your employer or the company in general.Save your venting of emotions for a limited group of trusted friends or family members. 10. Most importantly, dont lose faith in yourself.A firing can be demoralizing but remember it is only one employers decision, and there will be other, more suitable options for you. Take the time to regroup and find a job that is a better fit for you and your interests.It may be that this wasnt the right job for you and a push to find a new one is just what you needed to move along your career.

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