Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The women sports pioneers you need to know about

The women sports pioneers you need to know aboutThe women sports pioneers you need to know aboutIn the finals of the U.S. Open, Serena Williams biggest battle welchesnt with zu sich opponent, Naomi Osaka, but with the feeling that she welchesnt being treated fairly.After arguing with an umpire,demanding an apology, and calling him a thief for taking points away, Williams was handed a one-game penalty for verbal abuse. A man, she argued, wouldnt face the same repercussions.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreIm here fighting for womens rights and for womens equality, she saidin a press conference afterward. The fact that I have to go through this is just an example for the next person that has emotions and that wants to express themselves theyre going to be allowed to do that because of today. Maybe it didnt work out for me, but its gonna work out for the next person.Just as William s hopes her advocacy will help the next generation, she and her contemporaries have been helped by the athletes who came before. In sports, equality is elusive, but there are plenty of pioneers who have demonstrated that strong women deserve a seat at the competitive athlete table. Here are five of the greatest.1. Babe DidriksonOne of the most accomplished all-around athletes of all time, Babe Didrikson won three medals in track and field at the 1932 Olympics, took home 10 LPGA golf championship titles, was named an all-American in basketball three years running, earned the world record for the farthest baseball thrown by a woman, and was proficient in diving, roller-skating, bowling, tennis, swimming, boxing, volleyball, handball, billiards, and cycling.Was there anything Didrikson didnt play? Yeah, dolls,she once said.Never content to be the best in just one thing, Didrikson was determined to excel in everything she tried. My philosophy? she said. Practice, practice, practice, and win.Despite her incredible athleticism and work ethic, not everyone was a fan. It would be much better if she and her ilk stayed at home, got themselves prettied up and waited for the phone to ring,wrote sports columnist Joe Williamsin the New York World-Telegram.That didnt deter Didrikson. She kept kicking ass and taking names all the way up to her untimely death from colon cancer at the age of 45.You cant win them all, she said. But you can try.2. Katie SandwinaWhen youre a girl born in the back of a circus wagon to a family of performers, its prototyp to grow up doing handstands while other tots are learning to walk. Whats not normal is becoming so strong that you defeat the worlds foremost bodybuilder at the time, hoisting 300 pounds over your head while he can only get it to his chest.Katie Brumbach was anything but ordinary - and after taking down the famousEugen Sandow, she changed her stage name to Sandwina, a feminine take on his surname.Sandwina began lifting weights as a teenager, probably not a common activity for girls born in 1880s Austria, and heartily embraced her strength and size. She liked to wear heels and pile her hair on top of her head just to look even bigger and taller (she was reportedly around 6 feet tall and 210 pounds). Among her many talents, she could bend steel, lift multiple men with one arm, and juggle cannonballs. But her strength went beyond the circus ring. She was a vocal advocate for a womans right to vote, serving as vice president of the 800-member suffrage group for Barnum Bailey.Ashistorian Janet Daviswrote In an era when a majority of womens roles were still circumscribed by Victorian ideals of domesticity and feminine propriety, circus womens performances celebrated female power, thereby representing a startling alternative to contemporary social norms.3. Mildred BurkeIt was a tough road to wrestling domination for Mildred Burke, who grew up in poverty and found herself pregnant and abandoned by her first husband when she was still a teenager. She faced about 5,000 women and a couple hundred men in her career, but none as difficult as her abusive (second) husband, who tried his best to have her dethroned in the ring, and routinely slept with her opponents.After bursting onto the wrestling scene in the 1930s with natural talent, Burke held onto her championship title for nearly two decades. She developed the thigh-powered alligator clutch - a move that involves twisting your opponent before sitting on her - which ended most of her matches in her favor. Beyond her own career, Burke wanted to make wrestling accessible to other women, and founded an association and a school for female wrestlers.Mae Young, herself a trailblazer and a student of Burkes,put it this way Youve got to understand, if it hadnt been for Mildred Burke, there wouldnt have been any girl wrestling. Ever.4. Pudgy StocktonAccordingto Jan Todd, the first woman inducted into the International Powerlifting Hall of Fame, Every woman in bodybuilding who puts on a swimsuit and steps on a posing dais, every woman straining beneath a clean and jerk, and every woman powerlifter who fights through the pull of a heavy deadlift owes a debt of gratitude to Pudgy Stockton. She helped make these modern sports possible.The petite powerhouse - she stood at just 5-foot-1-inch - found her way to weightlifting after not liking the way she felt working a sedentary job as a phone operator. Stockton became known as the Queen of Muscle Beach in the 1930s and 40s. Eventually she graced the covers of dozens of magazines, hosted the first sanctioned weightlifting competition for women, wrote a popular monthly column called Barbelles for Strength and Health magazine for a decade, and opened a womens-only health club. Stocktons look appealed to the masses, and she played a big role in encouraging women to get stronger for their health and to improve their athletic capabilities.People used to say that if women worked out, they w ould become masculine-looking or wouldnt be able to get pregnant,she said.We just laughed because we knew they were wrong.5. Althea GibsonUntil 1950, no black tennis player had ever taken the courts at the U.S. Nationals (now known as the U.S. Open). Then, in its 70th year of existence, the competition invited Althea Gibson to play. The 23-year-old turned heads when she emerged victorious from her first-round match. Later that decade, she won the whole thing - and Wimbledon - twice in a row, along with the French Championships (later to be known as The French Open).Despite the success, Gibson was never able to make enough money from tennis to pay her bills - there was no prize money at the time, and lucrative sponsorships werent coming her way. She retired while still dominant and went on to play golf, becoming the first black woman on the LPGA tour. At many stops, she had to change in her car because she wasnt allowed inside segregated clubhouses.Still, Gibson kept playing with quiet determination. I always wanted to be somebody,she once said.If I made it, its half because I was game enough to take a lot of punishment along the way and half because there were a lot of people who cared enough to help me.For all those people who helped her, she paid it forward in inspiration. I am honored to have followed in such great footsteps, Venus Williamssaid in 2003. Her accomplishments set the stage for my success, and through players like myself and Serena and many others to come, her legacy will live on.This article originally appeared on Shondaland.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Top 10 Things Not to Say or Do If Youre Fired

Top 10 Things Not to Say or Do If Youre FiredTop 10 Things Not to Say or Do If Youre FiredGetting fired can be very traumatic even if youre expecting it and even though it may be difficult, try to remember leid to say or do certain things if you arefired. Read on for help to get through this rough time in your career. Being let go from a job can generate a number of negative emotions including shock, anger, sadness, worry, and fear about the future. Actions that you might take during the stress of being fired can be rash and have negative consequences if you arent very careful about what you say and do. Thats especially true if getting fired wasnt your fault. Even if you were let go because you werent the perfect employee, it totenstill hurts.You may not even be given areason as to why you were fired,and youmay not be given any notice. There might be achance of being able to save your jobandappeal your termination, but it may be better to simply move on. Even though its painful to ge t fired, there are some things that you shouldnt do, or you could make the situation worse.The following suggestions will help you to make the best of a schwimmbad situation by avoiding some common mistakes fired employees make. 10 Things Not to Say or Do If Youre Fired 1. Dont storm off the premises without taking the time to save any documents you need from your work computer.You should periodically save documents of personal or professional interest from your work computer because you never know when you might unexpectedly lose your job. Some employers will escort terminated staff from the work site at the point of firing, and you need to make sure you dont leave any important information behind. 2.Dont begin to discuss severance issues prior to taking some time to process your firing, if possible.Time really does heal, and youll be calmer if you can wait, so ask if you could meet in a day or two to have that conversation. Heres what you should ask your employer if youre fire d. In the meantime, research company policies and practices so that you are prepared to negotiate areasonable severance packageif youre going to be offered one. In some cases, the company may offer the severance package during the termination process. 3. Dont refuse to help with the transition if some time will elapse prior to your termination date.By facilitating a smooth transition, youll be remembered as a better employee and may benefit by receiving positive recommendations and referrals.Being nice, even when youre in a bad situation, will help you in the long run. 4. Some employers will give you the option of resigning instead of being terminated.There are advantages and disadvantages to aresignation in lieu of a being fired, but you should review thedifference between getting fired and laid offbefore you agree. Check with your local State Unemployment Office to explore theimpact on unemployment benefitsbefore finalizing a decision. 5. Dont be afraid toask for a recommendationa s part of your separation agreement, or at least clarify how your employer will field inquiries about your tenure. If you have supportive colleagues, ask if they might furnish a positive recommendation while you are still in close contact. 6. Dont impulsively disparage your supervisor or blame co-workers or subordinates for your performance problems.This is a hard one if you think they helped cost you your job, but futureemployers will conduct thorough background checksand seek input from former colleagues at all levels. Any enemies that youve made with your departing comments will be more likely to share damaging information. Parting impressions can be lasting and might influence staff to view you as a negative person. 7. Dont miss the opportunity to ask for the basis of your employers decision.If due process according to company policy has not been followed, you may be able to petition Human Resources to buy some additional time to improve any shortcomings you may have. Review thi s guide on your rights if your job is terminated. You might also have some protection through a personal contract, union agreement or anti-discrimination law. Consult a labor lawyer prior to finalizing your separation if you think you might have a case. 8. Dont finalize your separation without exploring other jobs with your current employerif you enjoy working there. Options might exist for other positions if your superiors see you as an employee with a positive attitude and strong work ethic. Your employer might consider you for other jobs that are a better fit for your skills if they learn youre open to other roles.Hereshow to apply for a job with your company, but do check to see if its a possibility before you start the process. 9.Dont broadcast your firing to networking contacts and friends immediately.Before you tell the world youve lost your job, take the time tothink through your message and how youd like to be perceived by colleagues and other professional contacts. Frame y our story around a theme such as the job not being the right fit for you. But dont be overly critical of your employer or the company in general.Save your venting of emotions for a limited group of trusted friends or family members. 10. Most importantly, dont lose faith in yourself.A firing can be demoralizing but remember it is only one employers decision, and there will be other, more suitable options for you. Take the time to regroup and find a job that is a better fit for you and your interests.It may be that this wasnt the right job for you and a push to find a new one is just what you needed to move along your career.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Recruiting the Recruiter

Recruiting the RecruiterRecruiting the RecruiterCompanies want HR pros who know HR, but can you break the code of the employers business, culture and mission.Sometimes being out of work offers you the opportunity to learn and become better at your next job.For Ralph Chapman, the experience gave him a very valuable - though opposite - perspective.When he left the Navy 17 years ago, he became a recruiter. He slipped easily into a role placing former military personnel in civilian jobs. But in 2001, Chapman found himself on the other side of the recruiters desk, looking for placement.The event put the recruiter in the position of being recruited, and it led him to discover that few recruiters and menschenfreundlich resources managers really understand how to recruit other HR professionals.HR folks are great at giving advice But they dont always take that advice themselves, Chapman said. Its not just about finding someone who is the clich good with people, detail-oriented. HR is the f ront lines of a client, and there are certain mind-sets and personalities that are and arent good for this industry.HR should be just as well versed in their companys goals, mission and their day-to-day business as the company itself, he said.Chapman founded HR Search Pros three years ago in Garland, Texas, to specialize in finding and hiring HR executives. His approach focuses entirely on making a philosophical match between candidate and company - the candidates mind-set and personality must be a fit for the engagement to work. Identifying that fit requires someone who specializes in the field, Chapman said.Weve had a lot of clients come to us after trying their search with other, more generalist firms, he said. And were getting inquiries from clients who are saying, We put up our own job advertisement and got 1,000 resumes in an hour. Can you help us sort through this deluge?When we look for candidates, obviously we look for folks who are strong and successful in the HR field bu t who are also willing to dig deep and understand their potential employers business, the mission of the company and its culture, Chapman said. And, of course, we learn all that we can about all these facets of our client, too, he said.Some clients want someone whos extremely efficient at the administrative aspects of the job and detail-oriented, while others want a candidate who will focus on interpersonal aspects of the role, Chapman said.Its a matter of knowing what each client wants so we can find the people who are perfect, he said. We spend so much time on each candidate and on each company, we have to be able to understand where the companys coming from so that we can find candidates who are going in the same direction.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

15 Things Not to Do at a Job Interview

15 Things Not to Do at a Job Interview15 Things Not to Do at a Job InterviewWhen youre bewerberinterviewing for a job, tzu siche are a lot of things you should do to ensure interview success. There are also some things that you shouldnt do if you want to get selected for a second interview or get a job offer. Employers are evaluating more than your words during the interview process. Your actions and non-verbal expressions tell a lot about your character, and if you arent careful, they can send the wrong message to your interviewers. Review these tips to help you make sure that your actions measure up to your words during the interviewing experience. Dont Arrive Late Prepare your travel carefully and leave a cushion for unexpected delays. Arriving late can be a deal breaker and create the impression that you might be an irresponsible employee. Dont Arrive Too Early Dont arrive too early for your interview and force yourself to sit nervously in full view in a waiting area. Pla n to arrive no more than 10 minutes earlier than your interview appointment time. You can grab a cup of coffee nearby if you get there earlier than you expected. Dont Forget to Smile All things being equal, most employers want pleasant co-workers. Its fine to show the interviewer your personality - heres how. Dont Ignore the Gatekeepers Even the lowliest receptionist or administrative worker may be asked his opinion about the impression you have made. Engage everyone you meet, and make them feel very important. Leaving Your Cell Phone On Do not leave your cell phone on during the interview, or glance at it at all. Most of us are semi-addicted to those messages and alerts coming into our phone, so knock out the temptation by silencing your cell. If your phone is a distraction during the interview, employers may question how motivated you are about the job or if you will spend too much time on the phone if hired. Dont Display Negative Body Language Do not lean back, sl ouch or display disinterest through your posture. Lean slightly forward to engage your interviewer (s) and show an interest in what they are saying. Dont Speak in a Monotone Modulate your voice to show emphasis and excitement when making a point. Employers look for energetic and engaged employees. Looking at Your Watch If you monitor the time in an obvious way, it might be perceived as an indication that you are bored, or in a hurry. Dont Eat Snacks Do not eat a snack bar or any food during a traditional interview. This should go without saying, but stories from recruiters abound regarding candidates who have pulled some food out of their pocket. Same goes for gum or mints. Gum chewing can send an overly casual vibe and be distracting to the interviewer. Interview Meals Dont order something which is difficult to eat during an interview meal. It is hard to maintain your dignity while slurping pasta. Order a small portion which can be gracefully consumed. Avoid orderin g alcoholic beverages during social segments of the interview process. Alcohol can loosen your tongue in the wrong way. In addition, it can send the wrong message about your seriousness of purpose. Heres ?how to handle an interview at a restaurant. Dont Dress Too Casually Err on the side of overdressing to demonstrate that you are serious about the opportunity. Review these tips for what to wear to an interview so youre dressed appropriately. Listen Carefully Before Answering Listening is an underrated interviewing skill. Make sure you know what your interviewer is driving at before you launch into an answer. Here are tips for listening and responding during an interview. Dont Act Nervous or Dejected Dont act nervous or dejected if things arent going perfectly. Retaining your confidence when you are stumped by a question can demonstrate that you will work well under pressure. Saying confidently that the question is a great one and that you will need to give it further t hought to answer it fully is acceptable. Review what to do if you cant answer an interview question, so you dont panic if it happens. Angry Tones Dont reflect an angry tone in your voice if your interviewer has taken a combative stance. Stress questions can be a test of how you will retain your composure under fire. Maintain a civil tone at all times. Playing Favorites Do not unintentionally play favorites during group interview situations. There is a natural tendency for most of us to feel a stronger chemistry with one or more of our interviewers than the others. You might look at the comfortable person more often or address your answers or questions to her more frequently. Make a deliberate effort to focus equally on each of your interviewers since it is likely that each of them will carry weight in the decision-making process. Heres how to handle a group interview.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Are digital try-ons the new makeup counter Ultas CEO thinks so

Are digital try-ons the new makeup counter Ultas CEO thinks soAre digital try-ons the new makeup counter Ultas CEO thinks soWomen have long lavished going to a beauty counter and trying on the latest shade of lipstick. Even in The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, the popular Amazon show set in the 1950s, all of the young department store clerks want to work in the makeup department.So what if we could turn our couch into a beauty counter, matching each shade to our complexion to find the perfect fit? Thats the kind of technology that the beauty industry is pioneering today, and Ulta Beauty is already buying into the trend.At a fireside chat during the first-ever Hispanic Leadership Summit at the United Nations headquarters on Dec. 10, Ulta CEO Mary Dillon explained how her company is launching into digital innovation with its first two acquisitions, QM Scientific and GlamST. The tech startups use augmented reality and artificial intelligence to personalize a clients shopping experience in the digital sphere.The fireside discussion was moderated byAgustina Sartori Odizzio, CEO and founder of GlamST and director of AR innovation at Ulta.On GlamSTs website, a video shows a woman trying on different colored lipsticks, personalizing her look in a tablet camera. That kind of technology could mean basically having an Ulta Beauty store in your home, providing convenient and easy sampling access for online shoppers.Dillon said she wants to do virtual try-on better and quicker than anyone else, and indeed, her first acquisitions speak to the opportunity she sees in beauty-inspired technology.At a conference that touched on branding and how it relates to the lateinamerikaner community, Dillons company was held up as a shining example of how to reach out to diverse geschftlicher umgang partners - and a diverse clientele.Dillon was at the Hispanic Leadership Summit not only because she recently acquired a Latin American company (most of GlamST is based out of Uruguay), but also beca use her beauty brand is known for inclusivity.The summit played one of Ultas recent advertising campaigns, which features a diverse group of men and women wearing products. Dillon said Ultas leadership has been working to define what role they can play in helping everyone find their inner beauty, a sentiment the campaign evokes.In 2017, the global cosmetic products market was valued at $532 billion and growing. In an industry that caters to people across the cultural spectrum and requires customer engagement, Dillon has bet on the power of technology and diversity for a sustainable business model. And her decisions as CEO are so far paying off - during the third quarter of 2018, Ulta Beauty announced net sales were up by more than 16% from the same time last year.So are digital try-ons the future of beauty? Maybe, or maybe well still long for those physical cosmetic counters. Either way, diverse branding is definitely part of the future, and Ulta Beauty is primed to be part of that movement in a big way. Based on its representation at the summit, it already is.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Reception Job Description Resume Exposed

Reception Job Description Resume Exposed The degree of education necessary for the job is based on the educational tischsetting. If youre targeting job away from the defense arena, youre want to civilianize your army dialect to reveal your abilities and experience match the employers needs. Hands-on skills cannot be discovered online, and based on which state you live in, only the theoretical part of your education can be done on the web or non-e whatsoever. Your multitasking skills will be placed to the test if the business receives high footfalls daily. The part of a receptionist is extremely critical in any organization, and is frequently regarded as an entry level job that may change to a lot of administrative tasks as time progresses. As a receptionist, you want to have the ability to provide an exemplary first impression. On the watch for employment at the moments fairly challenging. Landing a receptionist job in an industry-leading company may go a very long way in accelerating your career towards the target of a trusted office administrator. Finding the Best Reception Job Description Resume Know the abilities necessary for the work which youre applying. For example, your time management abilities or comprehension of particular computer programs can be useful in most any placement. There are lots of themes that you find it possible to take benefit of to consider the resume. Employing a continue template has become a satisfactory and smart practice for a number of facets. What Does Reception Job Description Resume Mean? While there might not really be a task shared, its actually a huge recon opportunity and establishes a connection which might be leveraged down the street. If you want to acquire a work soon or would love to modify your work then you will need to take into consideration the resume. It actually is difficult enough to find work. Since most likely focused on getting the right work, well make sure you dont miss any Putti ng it simple, a work application builder is an application constructed to direct you get through the practice of producing a work application. Also, dont forget that theres a superb opportunity you job application is going to be scanned electronically while a developing variety of businesses employ special software to index resumes. You will observe many different free job application templates that you discover that its likely to choose from. Next ensure use of good resume keywords. The Nuiances of Reception Job Description Resume If you are working to find work, you will have to establish a good first impression even in case the recruiter hasnt met you yet. To produce the best impression, your name needs to be larger than the other text on your resume. Samples of good acting resumes are available online. Hence, no 2 resumes will be the precise same. What kind of Service Works My Good Resume is wholly self-directed, or so the quantity of time normally it requires to go th rough the comprehensive process will change via person to individual. There are a great deal of kinds of resumes for curator jobs on the world wide web, likewise covering almost the whole accounting segment. The Good, the badeanstalt and Reception Job Description Resume Also if you want to show away what excellent language abilities or vocabulary youve got, inhibit yourself whether youre drafting your continue. Creative While its important to receive a specialist job program, oftentimes just a tiny imagination and innovation is acceptable. To boost your probability of being hired, its necessary to choose a format which highlights your work experience, skills and capabilities in the best method. Application themes chance to be ideal for folks who dont possess the art of producing outstanding resumes. Crafting the ideal receptionist resume objective takes time and a reasonable amount of thought and skill to receive it right. Resume examples without having to spend a dime will assist you in a detailed course of on how one can write your resume. Resume examples without having to spend a dime are available nearly anyplace. The upcoming free continue template was made in the form of a brochure. A fantastic event flyer template serves the objective of presenting every one of the facts in a well-organized and intriguing way. A complete selection for applicants with a lot of experience who wish to get an extremely good one-page job application theme. Each resume format has their very own own set of advantages and disadvantages for assorted assortments of job hunters, so be sure that you choose sensibly. The Importance of Reception Job Description Resume Resume contractors are a fantastic solution to help you organize your application. The work description is a mixture of administrative work, basic banking tasks and a high level of consumer services. Excellent customer services can make a big difference in business recurrence, and client service person nel are supplied with rigorous training. Job application programs ensure that your finest achievements are right there on top, prepared to wind up being noticed. Want to Know More About Reception Job Description Resume? Therell vary choices to take into consideration when its due to putting together an online resume. Find someone who is doing a job that youd be considering doing, then understand them all. The ideal man should drink for the groom with no hesitation. You is going to be the first to fulfill our customers so the very first impression of our hotel is dependent on your friendliness and efficiency. The Essentials of Reception Job Description Resume You Will be Able to Learn From Starting Right Away Business will demand for at least two sources when seeking to receive any work. With some research its possible to learn to appropriately utilize them. Seeking a fresh job is certainly an intimidating undertaking, but should you take the chance to create a resume targ eted to the specific work, you can get the health treatment records specialist location you would like. Formatting your work application personal references is a rather uncomplicated job. While My Excellent Job application supplies you the wording, it cannot offer you all of the details required to make your resume standout. You can discover the ideal template and design your work application meant for the specific job. Selecting the correct job application format is important when you want to receive the desired job. Most Noticeable Reception Job Description Resume Its possible to incorporate equally as much as you like to discover the job which you require. The better youre at waiting on clients and clients, the greater your earnings will be. Your experience should offer with each crucial certification in the work announcement. A well written resume is one which isnt too overwhelming within the opinion of employers. Your jobs may be diverse, your experience and technique s vast, and it may be hard getting it all on paper. There are some things which dont belong on work application for work.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Design graduates need to impress in competitive industry

Design graduates need to impress in competitive industry Design graduates need to impress in competitive industryPosted October 13, 2011, by Josie ChunDesign graduates take heed it takes more than great skills to get one of the top jobs in this competitive industry.Basic credentials and skills wont set graduates unbekannt from the rest of the pack. The industry is looking for true craftsmen who can bring fresh perspective and creativity to an agency, says Simon Pemberton, head of CATC Design School.Students therefore have to do something special to stand out.Its a tough market for students to get good work at the moment. We are seeing lots of students who are good all-rounders in design multimedia. But it is the graduates who can demonstrate intelligence and great conceptual skills upfront who will have a real advantage in the job market, says James De Vries, director of visual communications agency de Luxe.One person who demonstrated the necessary flair is design graduate Darran Fra nks. He completed the Advanced Diploma in Graphic Design at CATC and landed a job as creative director at design agency One% after submitting an impressive portfolio. Design is definitely competitive. Basically anyone with half an idea can produce decent work thanks to technology. With this in mind, I think its really important to develop personal style and attempt to stimulate some kind of emotion in everything you create, says Franks. The best way to demonstrate yur skills and creativity is by developing an outstanding portfolio. A portfolio is essential to getting the opportunity and then personality gets you over the line, advises Franks. Jon Christensen, co-founder of digital communications agency Mentally Friendly, agrees, and confirms the competitiveness of the industry. It is always exciting to see all of the portfolios that come through when we advertise for a new position. The last junior position we advertised for received over 100 applications for the one role. T he most important thing to remember is there are over 700 designers graduating each year in NSW alone and many are really good designers, but it is all the extra things you have to do to stand out. Being an amazing designer is a given, but being able to communicate this with confidence when speaking about your designs, presenting a standout portfolio and having passion and excitement for design achieves cut-through in this industry, says Christensen. For us a designer who stands out understands how to design conceptually, understands a variety of styles, has an eye for detail, and a clear knowledge of the appropriate software suites. However thats only half of what we look for... Mentally Friendly is a small studio of around 14 people, so it is important to us that any new employees are a good fit for our office culture, says Christensen. So how do you develop the necessary combination of design skills, technical skills and creativity to win a stellar position? For Darran Franks the key was completing the advanced diploma at CATC. I had taught myself a broad range of design software but got to a point where I needed to be surrounded by like-minded people and be challenged on levels that were simply not available otherwise. CATC allowed me to really hone my skills and focus on developing my own style in a productive fashion. Providing an education that develops high-level skills and artistic talent is a high priority at CATC. We help our students to develop portfolios that demonstrate all the necessary skills demanded by the industry and to showcase individuality and creativity, says CATC head Simon Pemberton. CATC Design School offers a variety of design courses by distance education through SEEK Learning. This study mode gives students ultimate flexibility, allowing them to adjust their workload, study times and environment to study when and where they want. With zugreifbar learning, classes are led by a dedicated online lecturer, study materials are s ent to students, assessments are submitted securely online and students can interact and communicate with the lecturer and each other. To find out more about studying design by distance, browse our range of design courses.Designing ResourcesAssistant fashion designer cover letterGraphic design graduate resumeCareer Insider StoriesElizabeth OConnor-Cowley - Director, eeni meeni miini mohKim Fletcher - MillinerTherese Moussa - The Grounds Head Stylist & Creative DeveloperInterested in becoming a?Web DesignerIT ManagerInterior DesignerJunior Graphic DesignerInterior DecoratorPopular Career Searchescertificate iii in design fundamentalshow to become a fashion designer in australiagovernment funded design courses melbournefacade design course australiahow to become a fashion designer in brisbaneDesigning CoursesBachelor of DesignEnquire Online Enquire OnlineMixed Reality Design CourseEnquire Online Enquire OnlineUser Experience Design Accelerated Course (1 Week)Enquire Online Enquire O nlineUser Experience Design Transform Course (Full-Time)Enquire Online Enquire OnlineJosie ChunRelated ArticlesBrowse moreDesignDesign yourself a brighter careerAs Aristotle once said, There can be no words without images, and in todays world there can be no images without designers.DesignDesigningWhat graphic designers wantA recent survey by designer marketplace, 99designs, reveals some of the ins and outs of the graphic design industry. Check out their infographic for everything you need to know about how to woo a graphic designerDesignDesigningHow To Become A Graphic DesignerIf unterschneidung is your calling and stop-motion gets you animated, it might just be time to consider a career in the multifaceted world of graphic design.